Behind the Emmy; Interview with VFX Supervisor Jason Tsang

Check out what it was like to work on Netflix’s Emmy award winning TV show “Ripley” with VFX Supervisor Jason Tsang!

What was it like working so closely with Steven Zaillian on Ripley?  

“Working closely with Steven Zaillian on Ripley, especially 1-on-1, was an unforgettable experience. His attention to detail and dedication to great storytelling made every moment feel like a learning opportunity. In our sessions and daily reviews, we’d dive into the nuances of each scene, making sure every visual effect served the story. Steve, along with the editorial team, was super collaborative—always open to input and creative back-and-forth. We spent a lot of time refining the VFX to make sure they felt natural and grounded, yet visually interesting. Those 1-on-1 moments gave me a real window into his creative process and pushed me to think about visual effects in a more story-driven way.”

How did you find the experience managing a large remote team of artists?

“Managing a big remote team of visual effects artists had its challenges, but it was incredibly rewarding. Clear and consistent communication was key, so we leaned heavily on digital tools and regular check-ins to keep everyone on the same page and making sure feedback was super quick and effective. Assembly’s cloud infrastructure played a crucial role in creating this seamless work environment and made everything run smoothly—it allowed us to easily access and share work from anywhere and made close collaboration with Steven Zaillian on the client side totally possible. It was a showcase on how the new tech that emerged during the pandemic really boosted creativity and productivity, even with everyone working remotely.”

What was most challenging or exciting about the VFX work Assembly delivered?

“The most challenging, but also exciting, part of the VFX work Assembly delivered was handling the high volume of shots while maintaining the quality and Steve’s vision intact. It was vital to set up procedural workflows in Nuke that allowed us to push through a ton of shots efficiently without sacrificing quality. What made it really work was the flexibility of these setups that allowed us to make quick creative changes on the fly, which was key for keeping the story moving and adapting to feedback. Being able to tweak things so quickly while making sure everything blended seamlessly into the world made this collaboration both technically tough and creatively super rewarding.”

How did it feel standing on stage and receiving your Emmy for Ripley?

“Standing on stage and receiving the Emmy for Ripley was a total shock. I wasn’t expecting it at all. When they announced Ripley, it honestly took a few moments to sink in. Walking up to the stage, I was still processing what had just happened, completely floored. But as I stood there the reality began to hit, and I felt this huge sense of pride—not just for our team, but for all the other vendors involved and everything we’d pulled off together. It was humbling to think about all the hard work, late nights, and creative challenges we faced. That shock quickly turned into deep gratitude, realizing that this Emmy was a reflection of the collective effort we all put into making Ripley something special.”


Jason Tsang wins Emmy for Outstanding Special Visual Effects for netflix’s ripley